Hiram King Tyre
Grand Lodge
A.F. & A.M.
of Texas

About Us
Hiram King Tyre Grand Lodge we are a privileged group of men who at some period in our lives either knew, or were introduced to, a Brother who vouched for you to enter into Freemasonry.
Why do I call us privileged? It’s because we have chosen to practice Freemasonry the right way, rather then the easy way? Just like in life we all have choices to make! We can choose to do it the right way in the eyes of the Creator and lean toward a more moral and virtuous life while enjoying the bounty put before us. Or, we may decide to do it the easy way. Today are better men both in our family lives and society at large due to the teachings and brotherly love found in the Craft. It is not just our heritage that we should admire and protect, but that it is our solemn duty to bring these precepts to other good men, so they can also become better men.